Apache Maven tips



Been using Ant & Apache Maven for years, now I seems to be immune with long nested XML and not bother writing about them anymore.

But with this attempt, I hope some tips here will be appreciated by Mrs. Google :-)




Bundle all classes of dependent JAR files into our JAR

Given our original POM file is like this:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" 
  <name>ProjectEuler fun</name>
  <description>See http://github.com/ducquoc/euler-fun</description>



When Maven build is invoked (like “mvn clean install” ) , it will produce a JAR file, which contains only classes of that project. So when to use it we have to include other dependencies (JAR files) in to the classpath; otherwise it will be either a NoClassDefFoundError or a ClassNotFoundException.

To avoid such trivial time waste, we can include the necessary classes to the newly created JAR. There are several ways to do that, my traditional approach is  to use maven-assembly-plugin :

    <!-- to bundle all classes of dependent JAR files -->
    <!-- . . . -->

Now the build will output a NAME-jar-with-dependencies.jar file !


Bundle necessary classes of dependent JAR files into our JAR

Given our original POM file is like above, my new approach is to use maven-shade-plugin, which is solely designed for this purpose.

<!-- to bundle necessary classes of dependent JAR files -->
           <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">


That’s it. There are still some other Maven plugins which can serve the purpose (like “onejar”, “jarjar”, … ) , yet shade is enough :-)




For Clojure, leiningen has the built-in uberjar command

$ lein uberjar




IDE (Eclipse/IDEA/…) can utilize the editor/view to edit Maven POM, exclude dependencies, or set the “Run/Debug” configuration easily…




I just added a simple Maven repository, using GitHub raw:









About DucQuoc.wordpress.com

A coder, content creator, and a proud father of 2 princesses.
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8 Responses to Apache Maven tips

  1. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.enunciate:maven-enunciate-plugin:1.25:assemble (default) on project hudson-rest-api: Execution default of goal org.codehaus.enunciate:maven-enunciate-plugin:1.25:assemble failed: A required class was missing while executing org.codehaus.enunciate:maven-enunciate-plugin:1.25:assemble: com/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory

    ==> Work-around for maven-enunciate-plugin issue with Java 7:


    hope this helps,

  2. Some tests encounter OutOfMemoryError when using maven-compiler-plugin?

    Solution 1: set environment variable MAVEN_OPTS
    + DOS (Windows): set without using quote
    set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m
    + Bash (Linux): export the env var
    export MAVEN_OPTS=”-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m”

    Solution 2: configure the Compiler plugin and test plugin (surefire/failsafe) :


    -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m



    (or use the latest stable version of the plugin)

  3. Pingback: Why Maven 3 | DucQuoc's Blog

  4. Some tips to reduce build time with Maven:

    1/ Skip tests: by -DskipTests=true or -Dmaven.test.skip=true

    2/ Comment out unnecessary plugins in POM.xml: For example, with Cirrus build we can comment out the enunciate plugin (just comment out the docs is enough)

    3/ Use maven 3 instead of maven 2. (In general maven 3 build faster 20%-30%)

    4/ Setup the frequently used build command to a script (.bat file), or utilize IDE to remember that with one click (build Maven as… or Run/Debug as…)

  5. Pingback: Logging best practices | DucQuoc's Blog

  6. As of Java 8 (2014), the javadoc may be more strict, so we have to disable that doclint with param -Xdoclint:none .




    (see : http://blog.joda.org/2014/02/turning-off-doclint-in-jdk-8-javadoc.html )

    The FindBugs 2.x also does not work with Java 8, so we have to upgrade the maven-findbugs-plugin version to 3.0.0+ as well :


    (see: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-3053 )

  7. The old tip “one-jar” , with “spring-boot” maven plugin update:

    Executable Jar with Apache Maven

    Besides, hibernate-jpamodelgen with “maven-processor-plugin” is another alternative to jpa-schema-maven-plugin:

    Basic Java EE with Apache Maven

    Lombok maven plugin :

    lombok with maven

    (notably “delombok” for maven build)

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